Teacher's Union afraid of voters
New president wants to kill TABOR before it reaches referendum
MADISON – Kill the Taxpayer Bill of Rights (TABOR) before the voters have a chance to vote on it.Because the voters want it. If it gets to them, it’s going to become law. So stop it before anyone has a chance to vote. That’s official policy of AFT-Wisconsin (the American Federation of Teachers), now that their new president, Andy Gussert, has taken over. In an interview with WisPolitics, Gussert was asked whether he and other TABOR opponents will be able to “kill it in the state Senate.”Gussert’s answer: “I hope so. … We want to kill it legislatively.”“It’s obvious why spending interests would want to kill TABOR before it gets to the voters,” said Rep. Frank Lasee (R-Bellevue), author of TABOR. “Poll after poll shows large majorities of Wisconsin voters favor constitutional limits on taxes and spending. If TABOR gets to the voters, it will pass. It will become law.”“They’re afraid of that,” Lasee said. “Afraid their gravy train might stop.”In the interview, Gussert also suggested that, once educated on TABOR, people won’t support it.“If that’s the case, why not just let it get to referendum?” Lasee asked. “Why not let the people vote it down?”“Because they know the people won’t vote it down, because they’re wrong about TABOR,” Lasee said.Lasee pointed out Gussert’s statement that “It’s bad for economic development. It’s bad for business.”“Colorado’s economy is one of the fastest-growing in the nation,” Lasee said. “In every measure: population, personal income, gross state product, new business startups, job creation. Colorado is a leader. Their economy has taken off since their voters passed TABOR into law.”“Andy either doesn’t know the facts, or he does, and knows he has to lie about them,” Lasee said. “But this much is clear: AFT and other government unions don’t want to give voters the chance to limit how much taxes and government spending grow. They want a government without limits.”
In a different comment
"Watchdog Watcher said...
Bob, I don't get your point.
Delphi workers may soon be making $7/hr. Is that what you want?
Northwest is whining about the millions the loose every day. I just heard 2 days ago that KLM has had record profits. You don't suppose between Checky secretly dumping his stock leaving NW with the billion is debt he amassed to acquire the company, and the partnership with KLM vanishing has anything to do with trying to bust the unions?"
You responded:
"bobz said...
.... Checky is a gun-slinger in the finance business. Nobody secretly dumps stock. It's all in the open, especially for corp. officers and large stock holders."
Check out this news story and see if you still stand behind this point of view.
There's a lawsuit against Checchi and others NW big wigs for insider trading.
From the article.
"The complaint alleges, among other things, that certain Northwest insiders sold their Northwest securities for proceeds in excess of $30 million while in possession of nonpublic information regarding Northwest's plans to file for chapter 11 bankruptcy."
Then you wonder why we need unions?
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