Year-round school revisited
During the DO group meeting I made a proposal for year-round elementary schools and how this would postpone building a new elementary school for 10 years.
Here is the justification. I invite comments, both pro and con on this approach. The year-round school is based on the model used in the Wake County Unified School System (Raleigh NC) which has a four track system. Students get 180 days of instruction and attend one of four tracks with 45 days of instruction and 15 days vacation and common days off for week-ends, Christmas, and Easter time. Students are picked by lottery and assigned one of the four tracks. Siblings are assigned to the same track for transportation reasons. Teachers (some with 20 years experience) volunteered for the school and enjoy the schedule.
Here’s how it would work in New Richmond.
ATS&R Architects building capacity for the two schools
Ten classrooms completed at East elementary
Reinhardt Report worst case student population for 2015 at 1652
Total current enrollment capacity of the two schools is 1072
With 10 classrooms added to East Elementary capacity becomes 1072 + 10 x 23 = 1302.
Opening the doors for year-round schooling, capacity becomes,
(1302 x 4)/3 = 1736
This calculation is derived by dividing the ATS&R capacity of 1302 by 3 to establish a single track size representative of one of the four tracks. Multiplying by 4 gives the total possible enrollment for year-round school of 1736.
Using the Reinhardt projections for 2015 of 1652, we find that in the year 2015, the elementary buildings could handle 84 additional students.
Somewhere around the year 2013, if the Reinhardt projections become reality, the third elementary school should be built.
As I said earlier, I invite comments and this includes criticism. 051205
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